Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day Mama!

Read the text version after the leap of faith if you have cateracts like me!

Woman Endures 117 Hour Labor

A woman at a local area hospital gave birth after 117 hours of grueling labor. 

By Crash Gannon
Enid Eagle Reporter
November 2, 1956

A woman at a local area hospital gave birth after 117 hours of grueling labor. Mrs. Raymond Flagtwat (nee Loretta Mae Buford), originally from Lynchtown Mississippi, eloped with her husband, an itinerant drifter from Enid she met while he was grifting his way through the south. The pair decided to settle in Enid two years ago and plant roots. To make ends meet, Mrs. Flagtwat found a job dancing semi-professionally at local bars for spare change and free drinks while her husband continued his drifter career. Then almost a year ago, she learned she was with child.

Mrs. Flagtwat’s “condition” was highly unusual. She began to put on weight almost immediately, center around her hips and upper thighs. She never experienced morning sickness, but rather, was ravenously hungry almost all of the time. The doctor assumed she was carrying multiple children.
When doctors realized that she was not carrying triplets, they strongly suggest a procedure called a cesarean section. A cesarean section is a surgical procedure in which one or more incisions are made through a mother’s abdomen and lady parts to deliver one or more babies. Mrs. Flagtwat refused to have the procedure as she felt the resulting scar would “destroy my dancing career.”

After an abnormally long gestation period of eleven months, Mrs. Flagtwat went into labor at the Lamb of God Baby Hospital in Enid early Saturday morning. It took a team of doctors and nurses working around the clock to assist in the labor. Six bottles of Jack Daniels and 117 hours later, Mrs. Flagtwat gave birth to Constance Eugenia on Wednesday October 31st, Halloween, or “the Devil’s Holiday” as Mrs. Flagtwat calls it.

“The doctor was certain I was carrying triplets,” explained Mrs. Flagtwat, “but it turned out to be one gigantic baby. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ate the other two. She sucked my teats dry the first week, and we can’t afford baby formula. I’ve been feeding her nothing but jelly because it’s so much cheaper.”

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